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Digital Video Textbook Flippers

Digital Video Textbook Flippers
Digital Video Textbook Flippers - lost in time?


Flipping through a hardcopy textbook that you have studied is much like the location preference setup we had discussed before.


Your mind, your memory has been there before, at the speed of thought, with the attention and respect that only a referenced textbook could quite possibly provide. It happens fast, the digital recording of the textbook flip through.


I pay extra attention to the beginning and end. Table of contents and references the rest could be fly over country in my book minds eye.


All seeing eye accountants are on the job.


The speed of thought.I thought this skill was lost to time, but really it just needed a digital boost. 


Covering the book in Marijuana leaves and discussing how digital is better than dead trees.


Even though we are destroying ancient digitally by taking a picture. The hypocrisy will be confusing but look cool at conferences I hope.


Give all employees remote control toy tanks and use them at work meetings.


#work #like #job #digital #accountants #video #respect #references

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