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Optimize.Me v2

REVISED: 10/9/2022

Forget Supersize me, how about

I've written about this topic before but I don't think that its in most company's best interest to add features or functionalities such as this to their websites/apps or kiosks/cashier buttons.

Part of being good at mathematics is understanding when your brain breaks down so optimization calculus is not something you can typically do in your head and customers don’t know this, but the store owners certainly do not have worked in pricing I worked with products I know this.

The way it works is the customer doesn’t know what they want so they’re not even part of the question was the time they are just choosing from options they have many different options. They like to have many different options. All of the options I could possibly think of.

So if you’re working on a mathematic problem and you come up to the part where you have to optimize something you know you got break out your spreadsheet and you gotta start building a model and you’re gonna have to use VBA and you’re gonna have to maximize based off of many different variables and you can’t do that in your head, I don’t care you are well I don’t think I don’t think so. Anyway, I don’t have anybody that smart so you need something a tool to keep up otherwise your information of symmetry and this is written 2016. Nothing changed I want to build. It’s been sitting here getting dirty dusty much dried off pad it’s bullshit I’m gonna type in the name for the website it’s gone look at it it’s linked in their sucks.

I walk to the store and I have five dollars in my wallet. I want to maximize my caffeine intake while minimizing certain artificial flavorings and sugars getting as close to five dollars as possible so I don't have to carry home a bunch of loose change.

I arrive at the store. I pull out my app. Maybe the items I'm looking for are already included in my database from the last time I made this calculation. Maybe something is now on sale or out of stock. Maybe I have to use barcodes to scan the relevant potential purchases (but how long would that take)?

[Insert potential features for anticipated problems here] well this all was written in 2016 so you have more than a few pot of problems. You have a grocery industry that’s holding back while Amazon is charging forward they’re not adapting fast enough and Amazon has the advantage premium grocery stores versus low and grocery stores would need less nothing in Low end grocery store or high end grocery store? - just a simple calculation to make a decision using public prices and ingredient data.

Information symmetry in your hands.

Everybody starting to incorporate game-if-cation  and behavioral economics, including the word nudge, which means the study, hip, or subtle hint to get someone to do something off and use in parenting.


Attention: Do you want to make the best choices for your health and save money while doing it?

Interest: With, all of the hard work is already done for you. Simply scan the barcodes of the items you're considering, and our app will give you a list of optimal choices that fit within your budget.

Desire: Making healthy choices doesn't have to be difficult - let help you out! Our app is easy to use and can help take the guesswork out of making smart decisions about what to put in your body.

Action: Download today and start making healthier choices for yourself - without breaking the bank!


Changes of ingredients in the rice are all displayed with a simple calculation and disclaimer, notifications from competitors will flow through that particular person on pepsi cola. Knowing what other people might buy is powerful than I found another alternative to help create more savings.

One of the biggest customer pain points for Grocery stores is customers going in and walking out with a small cart full of product without consideration or planning. Have people stand by the entrance to hand out lists of items too buy along with self-checkout stands that only sell individual products optimized for each customer's cooking preferences and diet restrictions (Specific meal plans). Say Hello, Alex are you interested 0 Alexa/google home “Start 2 day eat clean plan +lose 12 lbs” How do I use it?Alexa / Google Home: Today we’re starting our nutritionally balanced weigh loss plan thanks some quick questions before we get started what is your occupationaleating goals today pleaseAmazon: As an warehouse worker youre spending 12 hour shifts on your feet all day so losing weight while containing caloric intake to shed fat would be optimal based off your age height race gender speed activity level"* list would go o n changing as necessary as programmed into system .

Our price matching tool is worthless. Use your phone, just take a picture and we'll refund it.

A website that listens to your call, type or speak and tries its best to give you coupons based on what it heard. Not sure how many customers would want the company's phone number but hey this is your chance!

Give naming suggestions for a website via text message and charge $1000 per name. Say that any speaking, training or consulting is included in the price.

Price Dynamod has a special catch. You cannot ask “what’s the price?” But instead “how much is it, please? This way your brain doesn’t even try to figure out if there is something you shouldn't see here or not and we make this hard decision so they can refer back to their trip to hardware story.

Never hire a woman who deals with customers. They yell at the cashier who rings in the coupons.

Make sure you optimize your customer's transaction or interaction.

Note NEW 10/9/2022 - Ties this in with Pricing Bot-to-Bot negotiators.

I just tried to pitch this idea to someone fairly knowledgeable of business and trends - didn't think it will work. I couldn't defend the weaknesses well enough. Keep going or move on? Thanks for your input so far. My vision is it has moderate benefits and could serve a purpose for a purchase especially any hagglers out there. If you don't ask, will you ever know? With bots, you can ask a lot, often, and very fast.


Small sample size, but looks pretty good, I'd say compared to other invention surveys.


  • Before I started this last job I tried to join the military.

  • I’m diagnosed with something where I have to take a pill every day they wouldn’t let me in.

  • Then I went over the age limit I’m gonna post something that I put it in another group chat just to save time of something that recently happened at my current job:

  • I recently went through a very strange series of events with my employer and in the end it’s pretty disappointing.

  • Reflecting on it because I had such admiration for everyone.

  • Everything is going well about a month ago.

  • I’m even trying to help hire new people for my firm or firm my boss is firm up he says at the end of the day you’re going to have a performance reviews to get ready and he’s a pretty fair guy, it seems, but I was still pretty nervous and then he didn’t have anything negative to say, whatsoever.

  • Then he gave me a raise without even asking so I was like great.

  • Since we work in a CPA firm and all we really do is help businesses I just assumed that everyone likes helping businesses as well.

  • Well, shortly after I got involved with some brainstorming invention activities, and was gonna draft up a business plan, maybe, even just license it, NOT like I get rich quick wants to start-up a company like an Apple so I made the mistake of saying, hey, I’m working on some side projects, involving bot-to-bot price negotiations, where it never hurts to ask, because you’re not asking a human.

  • You’re asking a machine so you just asking over and over again until you get to the correct price point each part is negotiating with their own programmed instructions that this was pre-related to accounting and business.

  • Also, the implications for the consumer could be it would lower prices and then for the vendors it could lower shrink so it will be a potential win-win for the overall economy maybe not efficiency, on adoption, but do you see what I’m getting at so I tell them that.

  • A couple weeks later I got sick and then I lost a client job and they called me in to the office and said that 99% sure they’re going to fire me so I’m packing for my job and then in a market where I shouldn’t even be worried about having to find a job i’m receiving all of this negative feedback that they’ve been withholding for all this time I assume they asked me to leave the room as they make their final decision when I come back in they determined that if I have another sick day it’s going to be an unpaid sick day and then I’m no longer allowed to work on any side inventions or business products that I can’t talk about them because the distraction at work no no no they wanted complete control over me.

  • I was pretty cautious to tell my employer because I’ve been down this road before people don’t want to hear that you’re trying to create a business because it’s almost like looking for a job right?

  • So I agreed, because I I love my job, and I make good money.

  • I just got a raise and I have all this feedback that I want to make improvements on but I feel so belittled like I don’t have kids in a family all I have is a dog in my dreams and they’re trying to take away my dreams. Sure I can post a poll about that I’ll go ahead and make a guess right now that most people are going to say negotiate especially in this market Labor market.

  • UPDATE 10/9/2022 8:00 pm - Made it through the rough month trial period, been doing well implementing 3 things:

  • 1.) Improvements in record keeping of processes/procedures so can tighten up year - over - year.

  • 2.) Dragon Pro Software


UPDATE 10/23/2022 - no job anymore :(

Buy a bunch of vending machines and sell lunch for $3 but have extra features like software on it that helps in the workplace. The software could tell employees what stocks to buy, or invite them out to dinner at a restaurant near work.

Schedule a meeting and randomly assign each party a dog to hug.

Empower the employee customers to see what their company pricing bot is doing and make it view-able even if it's on the CEO account.

Have an algorithm auto-generate a personal letter to every company explaining why you left and say things like “Please send your resume to my current employers, they’ll help find the right job for you while I continue working at Uber. They believe that this might be because of something one of their employees said in chat messenger so please contact them if any conversations seem off or unclear otherwise. Its fine to show up late on your first day too."

Have t-shirts made with “NegotiateBot” and have every employee wear one and walk around like a meme.

Offer to buy back a website for 50% what the customer paid for it.

Have workers ask the customers if they are interested in taking a survey.

A list of press outlets that write about dynamic pricing and supply chain optimization, which every time we get a qualifier becomes another target market.



University Name

Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.


University Name

Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.


University Name

Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.

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