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All Seeing Eye accountants - this is an accounting firm that has the flexibility that a CPA firm cannot offer.


Besides being able to hire non-CPAs en-mass, this new accounting firm will have a research & development department dedicated to numerous projects some related to accounting, others related to security issues, the list goes on and on but you get the point. 


Concept here is still generally the same whether these clients have do not have security clearances and need to have their extra privacy or as some would call it a little touch of paranoia. These clients are entrepreneurs and are working on projects and trying to guard their secrets and intellectual property. 


So this accounting firm can handle bookkeeping services that are lower level compared to what a CPA would be required to do for the CFO level.


They would have some unique services that some could call may call more of an admin-like. But given the nature of activity of what needs to be done we would have step an hour talking about setting up devices in particular ways maybe it's just an android phone line was that five apps on field look at us books text messages no there is minimal because he doesn't want to risk carrying around a lot of extra data.


Everybody's situation is different. CPA firm mostly when it comes to taxes handles high net worth individuals and organizations law firms or other professional service firms but underneath that this accounting firm to hire non-CPAs to do taxes smaller very small companies for less well-to-do off clients which in turn brings in other business. 


We want to roll out a service where we have independent accountants that work with venture capitalists and other wealthy individuals who invest in low income individuals that are starting startups.


We are going to call it Controlling startups, and each one of our controllers will actually be independent of that business today will be keeping the books of doing the taxes or doing any consulting or advisory there will be making sure that they stick to what you call the digital envelope method.


Now you can research the company called Famzoo that came out this product families to budget digital based on like system and they've incorporated certain incentives such as donate $20 get 5% back moron might say other kinds of other incentives that you want to build in. 


This is just the tip of the iceberg to take it from there and say now that we want to incentivize youth do this in your business maybe you could go and do your thing and be with data for exercise and nutrition and other key personal indicators tying that in small business owners this overall performance enhancing money enhancing life cycle and  holistic approach.


At first I thought this sounds like it could be a little bit too much control you would want somebody breathing down their neck that much. But if you really do think about you state data center and more on your KPI charts and reports actionable off KPIs was actually happy with reported looking fix are these these keyboard since indicators what are actually the indicators that are driving success or failure.


Are we tracking everything that we need to track?


So these would be remote audits in nature in order to allow venture capitalists to have more confidence and essentially make their own budget and someone else's company's everybody kind of plays a part but this could most certainly lead to more financial inclusion.


Would these same lower income up-and-coming entrepreneurs and startups had the opportunity if you were not for the transparency and in some ways you could call it envelope method budget digital babysitting. 

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