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  • Writer's pictureSteven Heizmann, CPA, CGMA


I was always a competitive person. I loved sports and being in leadership positions. As a result, I spent most of my time in the gym or at the record board. I was obsessed with being the best.

One day, I noticed a new board at the gym. It listed all of the leaders in each category for the month. I quickly scanned through it and saw that I was nowhere to be found. In fact, I wasn't even close to the top 10!

I couldn't believe it. How could someone who had worked so hard not be at the top? I was determined to find out what went wrong and fix it.

After some investigation, I discovered that my peers were simply better than me. They were more consistent in their workouts and they had better diets. There was nothing wrong with me per se, but I needed to step up my game if I wanted to be successful.

So, I started working harder than ever before. And sure enough, after a few months, I re-took my spot at the top of the leaderboard! It felt great to know that through hard work and perseverance, anything is possible.

There's something about a good old-fashioned record board that just gets the competitive juices flowing. I can't help but scan the boards for my name, looking for any way to one-up my competitors.

It started with simple things - who could lift the most weight, run the fastest mile. But soon, it became more and more complex. Who could bench the most? Who could squat the most? The challenges became endless.

And then I saw it - a board for sports leadership. It was perfect! I quickly scanned the list of names to see where I ranked. I was off the chart! There was no competition for me.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of superiority as I looked at the other names on the board. They were all nobodies - people who would never be able to compete with me. I was destined for greatness!

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