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  • Writer's pictureSteven Heizmann, CPA, CGMA

Dating T-0Shirts: I'm Available QR Code T-Shirt

Are you single and looking for love? Tired of the same old dating apps and websites? Then check out our new I'm Available QR Code T-Shirts! These shirts are specifically designed for singles who are looking to meet other singles in a more efficient and fun way.

How do they work? It's simple! Just scan the QR code on the shirt with your smartphone and it will automatically pull up the personal records and dating compatibility of the person wearing the shirt. No more guessing if someone is single or not, or if they're even compatible with you! And if both parties are satisfied with what they see, then you can exchange contact info and take things from there.

So why wait? Pick up an I'm Available QR Code T-Shirt today and starting meeting people the easy way!

Looking for love? There's an app for that. But what about when you're just out and about, living your life? How are you supposed to find your soulmate then?

Introducing I'm Available QR Code T-Shirts for Singles! Just wear this shirt out and about, and when you see someone you're attracted to, have them scan the QR code with their phone. It'll run a search against personal records and databases for dating and compatibility records, find any synergies or deal-breakers, then exchange contact info if both parties are somewhat satisfied.

It's the future of dating, and it's available now! So go ahead and pick up an I'm Available QR Code T-Shirt, and let love find you.

Looking for love? There's an app for that. But what if you're old-fashioned and would rather meet someone face-to-face? Well, now there's a shirt for that! Introducing I'm Available, the world's first QR code t-shirt made specifically for singles.

I'm Available is the brainchild of Justin Chen, a single guy who was tired of online dating and wanted to find a more organic way to meet someone special. The shirt itself is unassuming – a white tee with a black QR code in the center. But scan the code with your smartphone and it will pull up Justin's profile on a dating site, complete with his photo, interests, and contact information.

It may sound a little desperate, but Justin says it's actually quite genius. "The QR code takes all the guesswork out of meeting someone new," he explains. "You can quickly and easily see if you have any common interests, and if there's any chemistry."

So far, Justin has had plenty of interest in his I'm Available shirts. He's even thinking about expanding the line to include other garments like hats and socks. So, if you're single and looking for love, why not give I'm Available a try? After all, it might just be the perfect icebreaker.

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